Fresh products, straight from the source

Van Gelder is very close to the source and we are proud of that. We are also proud of our growers, who make sure we can deliver high quality every day. They really have a passion for their job. They raise the bar for themselves and also keep corporate social responsibility in mind. By continuously searching for new and unique products and by innovating we are able to meet customer, guest and client requirements. That really makes a difference. But who are our growers and what is their story? We will gladly tell you more!

Discover the passion and love of our (local) growers below.

Van Vugt Kruiden
Paul Pronk
Fa. de Jong Fruit
Gubbels asperges
Koppert Cress
Beekers Berries
Oostland Company
Duijvestijn Tomaten
Zeeuwse Zonnekers
LOF Witlofkwekerij